What is XDelivery?

XDelivery is a documentation portal that allows you to serve up all your technical documentation from all your sources. XDelivery is a cost-effective solution that you can deploy rapidly.​

XDelivery allows you to enrich the content at the delivery tier with customized metadata, metadata that you can create and add to any of your delivery formats, such as PDF, HTML, video, technical drawings, etc. XDelivery increases the findability of your content with metadata filters and full-text search–and allows you to control content permissions, so your content end-users can access the content that’s relevant to them. You can rapidly update and add new content to the portal and reconfigure XDelivery as required.

Introducing XDelivery | Bluestream | News| Press Release

Unify All Content Formats & Sources

PDFs    |    HTML    |    DITA Sources    |    Videos    |    Graphics    |    Other binaries: ZIP, Excel, Visio, etc.

Technical Documentation

Level up your publishing process with a centralized documentation portal that reduces publishing labour hours while delivering  content at the speed of product releases. 

Customer Service Teams

Enable your customers to search, find, and share your knowledge assets easily with a self-service documentation portal.

Field Technician Teams

Optimize fieldwork and onboarding with a centralized portal that has search filters and full-text search, file downloads and a responsive design for easy-mobile use.

Internal Enterprise Teams

Streamline the publishing and accessibility of internal content so that stakeholders can easily find the correct documents quickly. 


“The ability to publish technical documents to a web portal fully integrated with Salesforce Community has been a game changer for T2.
It is enabling our customers to find the information they need and provides T2’s Account and Support teams the ability to stay in one tool while learning what is new with our products, troubleshoot issues, and communicate with our customers.”

Chris Sweetman
Manager Technical Services


Deliver a portal rapidly and cost effectively that allows your customers to self-serve.


Allow your users to easily locate the answers they are looking for.

Unified Update

Publish, update, and easily structure all of your content in one place, eliminating the chaos of juggling multiple publishing updates.

Multi-Format Support

Easily import and publish content from all formats DITA, PDF, HTML, audio, video, and more without losing context or quality.

Multi-lingual Support

Configure XDelivery for all your languages.

Flexible Publishing

Use the "out-of-the-box" XDelivery Documentation Portal, or use headless capability to integrate into your existing support sites.


XDelivery can be used to effectively deliver several hundred PDFs, and easily scales up to however much support content your team is delivering.


Allows for ease of publishing into existing sites and portals- including CRMs such as Salesforce.

Deploy the XDelivery Documentation Portal with efficiency & ease.


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