Solutions for docOps
Most DocOps (Documentation Operations) happen in fast paced, complex technical environments, often in highly regulated industries.
The XDocs DITA CCMS is designed to address DocOps challenges in many industries: software, hardware, policies and procedures, learning and training content, and more.
The XDocs DITA CCMS Solution supports

Content creation
- Writing teams are stretched, without enough resources to get everything done.
- Full DITA standard support, including topic based authoring, topic reuse across multiple guides, metadata filtering during publication, product keys, image libraries, and so on.
- Standardized content models and templates for content creation
- Rules and checks to help users enforce content requirements and extend writing tools in regulated industries
- Metadata management to locate, query, filter, update, and manipulate content with speed and precision.
workflow, content collaboration, and review
- Ad hoc content review, and approval processes are inefficient and hard to manage.
Standardize and streamline processes for content review, and approval:
- Tailor workflows based on business requirements and use cases.
- Reviewers and contributors collaborate in real time, provide review comments, change content, and see each other’s comments. Authors can accept or reject changes to quickly finalize content for publication.

Streamlined review and approval processes improve time to market, technical accuracy, quality and consistency, with better customer experience and lower support costs

release management
- Multiple concurrent product releases with closely related features and overlapping documentation for complex feature sets.
- Multiple variants of the same documentation need to be created and maintained concurrently.
The XDocs DITA CCMS efficiently manages multiple documentation versions and releases.
- Label content at a given date and time, such as a documentation release. A label can be used to view, export, branch, or publish the version of content.
- Branch documentation to an independent, isolated file set so that you can run a parallel set of documentation. Changes in a file on one branch may be merged into a file on another branch. Writers can author content for a release independently, then update the content simply wherever and whenever that content applies to any branch.
- Use publishing profiles and presentation profiles for variations in output content or publications and to change branding and appearance.
Together, these features allow DocOps teams to efficiently manage multiple product and documentation releases.
- Publications are changing in real time. Localization to multiple languages can happen at any time.
- You may need to localize to multiple languages for a product release, all while continuing to author.
The XDocs localization module streamlines your localization processes, reducing costs while increasing efficiency and productivity, and enhancing your ability to produce high quality multilingual publications in PDF, HTML and other formats.
- Send content to localization cycles at any point in time, to as many languages as you need.
- Send only changed topics in subsequent localization cycles with XDocs sophisticated change management features.
- Continue to work on source content; XDocs ties the cycle to the timestamp when content is sent. If the changes need to be localized, only changed topics will be sent out for updated localization.
- Integrate with your Localization Service Provider (LSP) to automate file exchange between the XDocs DITA CCMS and the LSP.
- Publish localized content using the same branded, automated publishing processes and transforms used to generate your source language content.
Cost savings from XDocs localization alone are often large enough to justify your investment in the XDocs DITA CCMS.

finding content
- Technical content is complex and difficult to find for reuse, reference, and publication.
The XDocs DITA CCMS offers a wealth of tools and highly configurable views for finding and sorting content.
- XDocs search language enables you to precisely identify topics within a map, folder, project, or branch based on virtually any criteria – full text search, filename, author, creation date, metadata, content version, where used, etc
- Search results can be displayed as columns in file navigation for easy reference.
- XDocs extended metadata capabilities:
- Configurable metadata taxonomies.
- Metadata harvest from content for bulk queries in the CCMS
- Bulk metadata injection directly into content.
- Facet views to instantly filter content based on metadata across a branch or in a folder.
- Authors create many documents with shared content, then are locked in to publishing that content in PDF form.
- Publishing requires lots of manual steps.
- Most companies want to move to online content delivery and a customer content portal.
The XDocs DITA CCMS provides powerful, flexible, configurable publishing to virtually any format (PDF, HTML5, XHTML) using the DITA Open Toolkit.
- Filter content to create multiple publications for product variant subsets.
- Brand at publish time for different corporate sub brands with different look and feel options or product names.
- Batch publish to satisfy bulk publishing requirements.
- Integrate with the content delivery platform of your choice are possible.
- Seamlessly integrate with the Bluestream XDelivery Documentation Portal to provide a full content delivery solution for your organization. XDelivery enhances your customer experience by enabling customer self service and lowering the demands and expenses of your support organization.
Faster Documentation, Enhanced Collaboration & Total Control
See how the XDocs DITA CCMS Solution for DocOps can help your organization achieve their goals.