Taxonomy – Metadata – Specialization and Schemas – Enforcing Rules – Content Audits – Managing Profiles

Taxonomy and Metadata Tools

Information Architects can use XDocs outstanding metadata system to configure taxonomies and metadata, properties and values that can then be used system-wide in authoring, collaboration and reviews, content management, localization, release management, and content delivery. If the content strategy changes, Information Architects can easily make changes too using tools the XDocs DITA CCMS.

Tools for Enforcing Content Rules

Information Architects can set up specialized schemas and schematron rules to enforce content rules for all system users. As the strategy evolves, Information Architects can easily reconfigure the schema and schematron files if required.

Tools for Content Reports

The XDocs DITA CCMS also allows you to create specialized content reports to query the technical documentation and easily respond to content audits. Content reports can find, display, count, or perform other operations for sets of content and content metadata.

Tools to Manage Content Profiles

Technical publications often take on special profiles, for example, based on product lines, publication types,  or on OEMs and value-added resellers.  Information Architects can easily make configurations to support and manage different kinds of output using tools for conditional processing, presentations, and publishing plugins.

Case Studies

Hear about how different industries have implemented the XDocs DITA CCMS and improved the management of their information products by

  • Streamlining documentation processes
  • Creating efficiencies
  • Improving content quality
  • Enhancing customer experience.


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